Mobile Patrol

Mobile patrols are a cost effective way to have a security presence at your premises, acting as a deterrent without the cost of a full-time security officer. The effectiveness of this service is maximised, through the programming of these patrols to occur on a random basis, thus eliminating any ‘predictable’ service visit.

Maximum benefit can be gained from a service where SPS Security patrol officer carries client’s keys in a secure environment and conducts an internal after-hours inspection of the site. This ensures that the maintenance of the site is preserved, allowing for identification of situations such as potential fire hazards, unsecured company information and systems or any other irregularities.

On detecting any irregularity at your site such as storm damage, vandalism or signs of an attempted break and enter; SPS patrol officers will immediately follow SPS procedure and notify the site contact and take photographic evidence of the incident and send a report using our digital system.